New features in RWTHmoodle in the summer semester 2022

New features in RWTHmoodle in the summer semester 2022

by Schnurbusch, Harald -
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For the start of the summer semester 2022, RWTHmoodle will be extended by some new functions. In particular, the list of participants has been redesigned. It now offers the option to invite external persons without RWTH user ID to the course room. The invitation email contains a coupon with which the invited persons can independently create an account for RWTHmoodle in the Identity Management of RWTH Aachen University. Interested teachers can test the plug-ins Attendance, Board, JSX Graph and Level Up! during a pilot phase. The demo course room for an overview of the RWTHmoodle functions has been fundamentally revised, and a new demo course room offers teachers best practices for good course design. A short training course introduces the new features. The RWTHmoodle help offers a compact overview of all new features and pilot plug-ins.