Three new functions are now available in
H5P: The Reuse button makes it easy for managers to download or copy H5P content to use in other course rooms. If you include copyright information in the metadata of the H5P activity, it is now displayed under the Rights of Use button. The Embed button allows you, as a manager, to embed H5P content in other parts of your course room. You can make the H5P Activity invisible to students and embed the H5P content in an e-test, for example. Embedded H5P content is still protected against access by users who are not participants in the course room. You can use the
Syntax Highlighting Filter to display source code in the course room as in a development environment. To do this, border the source code with three backticks. The filter automatically detects the language used, however, you can also explicitly select it from the
available languages. In
Grades, empty grades are now included by default in the calculation of the overall result of a grading category. An empty grade is a grade that is missing from the evaluations, for example, an assignment submission that has not yet been graded. You can optionally activate this function in the settings.